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An Improper Christmas Page 6

  Under Joshua’s heated gaze she feel brazen and powerful and more daring than she’d ever imagined. She reached out with her other hand and stroked his erection. “Let me see you,” she purred. “I want you inside me. And I want the satisfaction of seeing you achieve ecstasy too.”

  To her delight, Joshua groaned and pushed himself into her hand. “Anything you want, sweetheart. Anything at all.”

  * * *

  Joshua rose from the couch and helped Lily to a sitting position. Fuck she was gorgeous. And passionate beyond belief. The sight of her burnished copper hair flowing around her slender shoulders, her peach-pink nipples poking through the silken tresses as if beckoning him to suck them, was almost enough to make him come in his breeches.

  With unsteady hands, he removed his waistcoat and wrenched off his shirt, but when he began to unfasten the fall of his breeches, Lily stopped him. “Let me,” she whispered.

  “Very well.” He dropped his hands and watched Lily’s lovely face as she slid the remaining buttons free and released his erect, weeping cock.

  Her moonlight-gray eyes widened and she bit her lip. “You are a magnificent beast, Joshua.” Her gaze met his. “Can I touch you?”

  “Of course.” Although he might just explode ...

  Lily’s cool slender fingers stroked across his pectoral muscles then explored lower, across his taut abdomen, the sharp ridges of his hip bones. Her barely-there touch then followed the line of dark hair leading to his groin. When she boldly wrapped her hand around his shaft and squeezed gently, his breath hitched and his ability to think all but disintegrated. Before he could stop himself he groaned, “Fuck that feels good.”

  “Fuck?” She arched an eyebrow. “I don’t know that word.”

  Joshua’s cock jerked at the sound of his Christmas angel uttering such a profanity. His balls were so heavy and tight that when he came, it would be cataclysmic. “Fuck. Fucking. It’s a very crude word for the sexual act, Lily,” he explained through gritted teeth. “But falling from your sweet lips, it sounds wonderful.”

  The minx squeezed his iron-hard, pulsating length once more and ran her hand up to the head. Her thumb slid through the moisture welling from the slit. She glanced up at him through her long lashes. “Would you like me to say it again?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  She smiled her siren’s smile. “Fuck,” she said softly, as if testing the feel of the word in her mouth. Her white even teeth pressed into her plump lower lip and she said the word again. Her hand slid up and down his cock, eliciting another groan from him. “Do you want to fuck me, Joshua?”

  Despite his agony, he grinned. “Fuck yes.”

  “Good. Because I want that too.”

  Without bothering to remove his breeches or his boots, Joshua pushed Lily down onto the silk settee. He hovered over her on straight arms, taking a moment to drink in her loveliness, her innate sensual beauty. With her eyes half-closed and her pupils dilated with arousal she might have been Aphrodite brought to life. He was a lucky man indeed and his heart swelled to think she was so unafraid, that she trusted him to make this night special.

  He pushed her hair away from her flushed cheek and kissed her lips tenderly. His cock and balls were throbbing, demanding that he fuck her long and hard, but he would not rush, he would take this slowly. More than anything, he wanted this to be wonderful for her.

  He reached between their bodies and placed the head of his cock at her entrance. She was still gloriously wet which was good. The slick, honeyed moisture would make his entry easier. He didn’t want to hurt her.

  “Are you ready, Lily?” he asked.

  She gripped his biceps and nodded. A small line had appeared between her brows. “Yes. Yes I am.”

  “Well, here we go.” He pushed forward and his cock parted then penetrated her slick, satiny tissues. She was tight and as he nudged forward, she closed her eyes and bit her lip as though suppressing a whimper.

  He stopped. “Are you all right?” he whispered. His arms trembled, his balls felt like they were about to burst, but he wouldn’t thrust home until she wanted him to.

  Her eyes opened and she smiled. “Yes. It burns a little, but that’s all.”

  “Good.” He pushed into her sleek passage a little farther and this time she sighed. “Better?”

  “Yes.” Her hands slid to his shoulders. “Much better. I feel as stuffed full as a Christmas goose but it doesn’t hurt any more.” Joshua wanted to laugh at her adorable quip but at that moment, her eyes locked with his. “Fuck me, Joshua.”

  Joshua groaned and lunged forward, seating himself fully inside her. “With pleasure.”

  Lowering himself onto his elbows, he set up a measured rhythm, sliding out slowly then carefully pushing back in, watching Lily’s face for signs of pain or pleasure. She started to pant, and her grip on him grew harder—her hands slid down his back, her fingernails raking his flesh fiercely, and she undulated her hips, matching him thrust for thrust. When she wrapped her legs around him, he knew she was ready for more and he began to up the pace, plunging in and out, moving harder, faster, deeper.

  The exquisite friction, the tight clasp of her hot wet sex was becoming too much. But Lily hadn’t come yet. And she must. She absolutely had to.

  He took his weight on one arm and sought her nub with his other hand. His thumb rubbed over the slick bud, once, twice, and then Lily tensed. Her whole body shuddered and a hoarse cry spilled from her throat. Her silken sheath convulsed, squeezing his cock so tightly, he saw stars.

  Sweet Jesus. He couldn’t hold back. He needed to come too. His chest heaving, his blood thundering in his ears, he thrust into her twice more, then pulled out, gripping his slick pulsing cock in one hand. One pump of his fist was all it took for him to loose complete control. On a bone-deep groan he came, his seed spurting all over Lily’s smooth flat belly and her pretty copper-red thatch.

  The pink silk settee would be a mess but he didn’t really care. Lily, her flushed flesh glistening with his seed, her eyes aglow and a satisfied smile on her face was a sight he would never forget. Happy Christmas indeed.

  He released a long shuddering breath then leaned forward to kiss her tenderly. “Merry Christmas, darling Lily.”

  She laughed. “You already wished me that.”

  “So I did. But I firmly believe that one can never be wished Merry Christmas too many times. Just like one can never have too many kisses—or dare I say it?—orgasms.”

  “Well, now that I have had many of your kisses and several orgasms, I whole-heartedly agree with you.”

  “Several orgasms. Hmm.” Joshua gave Lily another kiss but this time it was a little deeper, hinting at what was to come if she’d permit him to stay longer. “I think it behooves me to make sure you’ve had many of those too before morning. What say you, my angel?”

  Lily’s smile lit her eyes as she splayed her hands across his naked chest. And that was all the answer Joshua needed.

  Chapter 6

  Chiltern Abbey, Buckinghamshire

  Boxing Day, 1819

  When Lily awoke the next morning, it was to find she was all alone in the guest room’s enormous mahogany canopy bed. Sometime after midnight, as the wind howled around Chiltern Abbey’s solid stone walls, she’d fallen asleep beneath the fine linen sheets and ruby red counterpane, warm and replete in Joshua’s arms. But now he’d gone ... probably to preserve what little remained of her dignity. Because surely his staff had heard the unmistakable sounds of sexual congress emanating from her room.

  Her whole face grew hot just thinking about it. The things he’d shown her ... The things that she’d done ...

  Lily bit her lip as warmth unfurled in her lower belly.

  True to his word, Joshua had satisfied her many times over. She’d never dreamed bed sport could be so exhilarating. So entertaining.

  And addictive.

  She closed her eyes and hugged the pillow Joshua had rested his head upon. It still smelled like him—his masc
uline essence and the spicy, wintergreen cologne he used. He was a wonderful lover. Playful, wicked, and considerate. He was the sort of man who would be so very easy to fall in love with.

  But he was not the sort of man a young woman like her should fall in love with. She’d known that from the very start when she’d first accepted Joshua’s offer of help at Horwood House, so really there was no point in dwelling on what could never be. Even though it had seemed like Joshua was actually making love to her last night, not just fucking her, she knew he was a rakehell through and through. From the top of his artlessly tousled brown hair to the tips of his long, elegant toes.

  Her own toes curled as she recalled twining her limbs with his as they’d drifted to sleep, and how their bare feet had rubbed together. How warm his body had been and how his heartbeat had sounded beneath her ear as she’d rested her head upon his wide, muscular chest. It had been so intimate. And very much like she had always imagined sharing a bed with her husband would be.

  But Joshua Sheridan, Lord Nash, would never be her husband. And today she had to leave.

  Pushing down a wave of sadness, Lily slid from the bed, found her chemise, and wrapped a spare wool blanket about herself. The room was icy so she rang for a maid—aside from needing fresh warm water, the fire needed restoking, and the candles relighting. Although the china mantel clock proclaimed the hour to be eight o’clock, it was still quite dark.

  After picking up the rest of her clothes and draping them over a chair—she’d ask the maid to brush them down and press them—Lily drifted to the window. When she drew the rose pink damask curtains apart, a gray and white world greeted her. The night had been so cold, thick frost rimed the windowpanes and she could barely see the grounds of Chiltern Abbey. At least it had stopped snowing and the wind had dropped. The journey to London would be possible albeit slow.

  And thanks to Joshua, it would be safe and comfortable.

  If only he were going to make the journey with her ...

  Stop it, Lily, she chided herself. Just because you shared your body with Joshua, it doesn’t mean anything. Especially to him. He doesn’t want your heart.

  She’d had her fun to take her mind off her failed engagement, but now it was time to return to the real world.

  * * *

  “Here’s the morning room, Miss Godwin. Lord Nash is already partaking breakfast. Shall I send for a fresh pot of tea or hot chocolate?”

  “Hot chocolate, thank you, Grieves.”

  Joshua put down his cup of coffee and stood as the butler ushered Lily into the room. Attired in her smart blue riding habit, her cravat tied just so, and her coppery locks arranged into a neat bun at her nape, she looked quite prim—and he was immediately overwhelmed with the perverse and base desire to tumble her on the breakfast table, to mess up her clothing and hair, and watch her come undone beneath him. Instead, he tilted into a proper, gentlemanly bow and said, “Good morning, Miss Godwin. I trust you slept well.”

  Lily immediately blushed at his teasing remark. “Yes,” she replied, taking the Adams chair he offered at the end of the beechwood table, the one closest to him. “Like a babe.”

  As he took his own seat, she raised a quizzical brow. “And you, my lord? Did you sleep well?”

  Joshua grinned. “I must confess, it was the best sleep I’ve had in my entire life.”

  Lily pressed her lips together but she couldn’t quite suppress her smile. “Really?” she asked as she helped herself to a cinnamon and raisin bun from the platter of pastries in the middle of the table.

  “Yes. Really.”

  “Well, I’m most pleased to hear it.”

  “You’ll also be pleased to hear my carriage is being readied for your journey as we speak. Grieves has heard the road to London is passable. I imagine that you’ll arrive at your godmother’s house well before nightfall, all going well.”

  Lily tilted her head and smiled. “Thank you, my lord. You’ve been most kind.”

  Kind. For some reason, being described as kind irritated Joshua. He didn’t want Lily to think of him as kind, or to speak to him so formally, as though she was hiding her true self. The Lily he’d got to know so intimately last night was passionate and bold. Unashamed and unafraid. In a word, marvelous.

  But this Lily sitting beside him at the breakfast table was all buttoned up manners. Joshua picked up his coffee and studied her over the top of his cup as he took a sip. Up close, he could see that her fading smile was a trifle brittle and there were slight shadows beneath her pretty gray eyes; he felt a small twinge of guilt in the vicinity of his heart because he was no doubt responsible for her fatigue.

  The twinge in his chest expanded into a pang as he realized she would be leaving shortly. And that he would miss her.

  Damn. He hadn’t expected that.

  A maid knocked on the door and entered with Lily’s requested hot chocolate and a fresh silver pot of coffee for him. He was about to pour himself another cup when Grieves returned. In his gloved hand, he carried a silver salver; an ivory calling card lay atop.

  “My lord, excuse me for interrupting you, but there is a gentleman at the door. He says the matter is most urgent.”

  What the bloody hell? Joshua took the card then mentally swore again, this time, in much stronger terms.

  Lily must have noticed his dark expression as she asked quietly, “What is it, Lord Nash? Is everything all right?”

  Joshua put down the card very carefully. He didn’t want to upset Lily but she had a right to know who had come calling so early on Boxing Day. “Lord Hardwick is here.”

  Lily’s eyes widened and her hand flew to her throat. “Oh, no.”

  “Yes.” Joshua drummed his fingers on the table for a moment then he addressed his hovering butler. “Where is Lord Hardwick?”

  “I left him in the front parlor, my lord.”

  “Very good. Inform him that I shall be down directly.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  Lily’s frightened eyes met his. “I don’t want to see him.”

  “Of course.” Joshua reached out and covered her hand with his. “I shall send him away.”

  “I wonder how he found me. Please don’t let him know I’m here.”

  Joshua offered her a reassuring smile. “I won’t, my sweet Lily. Just stay here in the morning room. Lord Hardwick will be gone before you know it.”

  She offered him a tremulous smile. “Thank you.”

  Joshua rose and then on an impulse, picked up her hand and brushed a soft kiss across her knuckles. “Don’t worry. I’ll be back shortly.”

  Joshua straightened the cuffs on his navy blue tailcoat and descended the stairs to the entry hall. The small parlor where Lord Hardwick waited, lay to the right.

  As soon as he began to cross the hall, his booted footsteps echoing off the black and white parquetry tiles, the baron emerged. His expression was as dark as his black wool greatcoat and he carried his hat in his gloved hands; he clearly wasn’t planning on staying long. Thank God.

  “Where is she?” Hardwick growled as he advanced. When they met in the middle of the hall, the baron flicked his coal black hair from his slightly blood-shot eyes.

  To Joshua, he looked like he’d been traveling all night. Or drinking. Perhaps both.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Greetings of the Season to you too, Hardwick.”

  “Don’t play games with me, Nash. Where is Miss Godwin? I know she left Horwood House early yesterday morning, in your carriage.”

  Bugger. One of the stable hands must have been persuaded to talk. Which wasn’t completely unexpected. Still, Joshua thought Lord Dunmere might have followed Lily here, not her faithless fiancé. However, he couldn’t really say that otherwise he would give away Lily’s whereabouts.

  He looked coolly down his nose at Hardwick. “I’m afraid you are mistaken. I don’t even know who you are referring to.” He crossed his arms over his chest and then rubbed his chin. “What was the lady’s name again? Goddard? Or was it God

  Hardwick ground his teeth. “Godwin. Miss Lily Godwin.”

  “No. Don’t know her. And even if I did, what business is it of yours where this Miss Godwin goes? And with whom?”

  Hardwick’s dark eyes glinted with anger. “As you would well know, she’s my affianced.”

  “Really? Pray tell, if she is actually your affianced, old chap, why on earth would she have absconded from Horwood House? In the early hours of Christmas Day no less? And with someone like me? A complete stranger and a scoundrel to boot? It all sounds terribly dramatic, like some dreadful piece of gossip one reads about in the scandal sheets. If one reads that sort of thing, of course.”

  Hardwick clenched his jaw so tightly, Joshua heard the crack. “Don’t play the fool with me, Nash, or I’ll—”

  Joshua took a step closer to the irate baron and narrowed his gaze. “Or you’ll what?”

  Although Hardwick was tall, he had a narrow frame, and Joshua suspected he would be able to best him in any sort of physical altercation, even a duel. And like most arrogant bullies, when push came to shove, he’d probably back down.

  His gamble paid off as Hardwick stepped back. “Lily?” he called. His bass voice echoed around the hall and no doubt Lily would be able to hear him. “Lily where are you? We need to talk.”

  “She’s not here, Hardwick. I’d suggest you leave. Immediately. Or do you want me to kick you out?”

  “If I find out, you’ve been lying to me—”

  “Yes, yes, you’ve already threatened me.” Joshua waved a dismissive hand toward the door. “For God’s sake, man. Just leave before you say or do anything you’ll regret.”

  Lord Hardwick gave him a hard, cold stare for one long moment then turned on his heel, striding toward the front door. The footman hastily opened it for him and then in a whirl of snowflakes, the baron was gone.

  Joshua ran a hand down his face. What a bloody pompous ass. Thank God Lily wasn’t going to marry him. She deserved so much better.